Foldable: The BOSTANTEN travel tote bag is designed to be easily stored by folding. It is perfect for all types of outdoor gear. Large tote bags can be collapsed into smaller bags to fit conveniently into backpacks, travel bags, duffle bags, or suitcases. A folding tutorial is included with your purchase to make assembly simple and convenient.
Drawstring Design: The open mesh design on the front makes it easy to organize and position the contents of the bag. You can also hang up your favorite accessories and DIY your own fashion. The side drawstring lanyard design can be worn with any outfit, making it perfect for carrying sports gear and everyday essentials.
Premium Materials: Ultra-lightweight, waterproof, high-density, durable polyester fiber at just 0.7 pounds. The outer fabric is waterproof, suitable for sports, camping, and beaches. High-quality zippers are durable and smooth, keeping items safe. Multi-functional tote bag, a good companion for travel.
Multifunctional Tote Bag: This beach tote bag can be used for a variety of needs. It can also be used as a gym tote bag, travel tote bag, waterproof beach bag, daily tote for work. It is also a perfect Birthday/Christmas gift for girlfriends, sisters, wife, mother, girls and yourself, etc.
Large Capacity: 14.96*8.07*13.19 inches, the spacious 30L capacity makes it the perfect women's travel handbag. From sunglasses, large drinking bottles (compatible with 1000ML SYANLY bottles), clothes or rackets, yoga mats and more, this travel tote bag can hold all your travel or fitness essentials.
BOSTANTEN Women's Foldable Waterproof Travel Tote Bag with Zipper Sleeve
Foldable: The BOSTANTEN travel tote bag is designed to be easily stored by folding. It is perfect for all types of outdoor gear. Large tote bags can be collapsed into smaller bags to fit conveniently into backpacks, travel bags, duffle bags, or suitcases. A folding tutorial is included with your purchase to make assembly simple and convenient.
Drawstring Design: The open mesh design on the front makes it easy to organize and position the contents of the bag. You can also hang up your favorite accessories and DIY your own fashion. The side drawstring lanyard design can be worn with any outfit, making it perfect for carrying sports gear and everyday essentials.
Premium Materials: Ultra-lightweight, waterproof, high-density, durable polyester fiber at just 0.7 pounds. The outer fabric is waterproof, suitable for sports, camping, and beaches. High-quality zippers are durable and smooth, keeping items safe. Multi-functional tote bag, a good companion for travel.
Multifunctional Tote Bag: This beach tote bag can be used for a variety of needs. It can also be used as a gym tote bag, travel tote bag, waterproof beach bag, daily tote for work. It is also a perfect Birthday/Christmas gift for girlfriends, sisters, wife, mother, girls and yourself, etc.
Large Capacity: 14.96*8.07*13.19 inches, the spacious 30L capacity makes it the perfect women's travel handbag. From sunglasses, large drinking bottles (compatible with 1000ML SYANLY bottles), clothes or rackets, yoga mats and more, this travel tote bag can hold all your travel or fitness essentials.